Saturday, March 26, 2016

Yesterday I transfered from the hostel I used on my pretour day to the tour hotel.  The day was mine to use as I chose.  Got into my room about 2 pm, and went exploring the area of Multiflores, an upscale town next to Lima.  As old & well used as central Lima was this area is new, upscale & modern.  The Allpa Hotel could be a Crowne Plaza in the states.  Had lunch at the Cafe Cafe, and as posh as it sounds, so were it's prices, about tripple the rates in old town Lima, nicely presented but half the quanity.  Walked the area to the north and found the Inca Market.  Broused, and bought a small blue crystal llama about 3" tall to put with my other travel knick-nacks on my hutch at home,  and a present for a family member.  I have to keep remembering weight limitations on the airliners, so have to get light weight items.  Then I spent three hour plus just walking the streets looking at the archetecture, the shops, and was interested in the manditory courtyards and iron fencing surrounding every house & shop.  Didn't see one that didn't have spikes atop the metal bars of the fencing.  There was on beatuful three story house, that was so run down that the shingles were gone and the ribs of the rafters were exposed to the sky, other features of this house were in similar disrepair, but it seemed to have a thriving antique busines going on inthe front courtyard, I haltingly talked to the elderly senore. Sitting and watching a young fellow clean a wooden carving with paint thinner, as I have often done on delapated pieces we wanted but needed much work to recondition for our own use.  after a bit he invited me in and we walked the old, once beautiful home, but now helter-scellter rooms now workshops & storerooms, maybe twenty or so.  I'd asked hime if the rain came in thru the roofless building, "it doesn't rain here" he said.  In another shop I watched a young fellow woodworking, rebuilding existing furniture and others making new from scratch.
Yesterday I posted a picture of a crowed with flags, huge, loud drums and masses of people, now I realize it was a political demonstration for a congressional candidate.  All over town there are carefully photographed huge billboards, wall 'murals', and cars towing trailers with an "A" frame, four sided screen, front & back are 'A' frame and the sides are about 8 foot high and 20 feet long screens with advertisements for the candidates.  Each has several prominent boxes indicating the congressional district & what party he/she is represents.  The photographs of the candidates are extreemly well photographed & posed, informally dressed, smiling and gestering toward the viewer.   Every political ad is basicly the same.. .there must be laws describing how the ads are presented.  I watced tv last night after 11 pm, for alost an hour channel surfing, only one English language but with Spanish captions.  There wasn't one political ad, but the on street ads are everywhere.  Many billboards are high in the sky on tall buildings, half featured potical ads, the other commerical ads.  I think I prefer the outdoor signage to tv bombardments we endure.  We have a tour this afternoon, and I get my belated orientation just beforehand, apparently the agent was at this hotel and so for the others on the tour, and left just before I arrived.  Last night I attended a dinner show of Preuvian cusine and traditional, custumed dance for three hours.  This i purchased thru the hotel, included pickup and return van service.  Well better get going or I won't see anything to report about tomarrow.

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